About TV & Movies
Why do we show ads?
Please note that due to streaming rights, a small amount of programming may contain ads. Our priority is to provide you with the best possible viewing experience, which is why we limit the number of ads during feature presentations and only display ...
Where is Screambox Available?
Currently Screambox is only available in the US & Canada We are planning on expanding internationally in the near future, so please check back with us!
Creating My Watchlist
To create a personalized queue, or what we call “My Library,” use the following steps: Select or search for the title you want, and select the “Add to Watchlist” button. Your favorite titles will now appear on the My Library shelf of your account for ...
How Can I Watch Screambox?
Screambox is accessible across a broad spectrum of platforms including your favorite browser, select Android and iOS mobile & tablet devices as well as Roku, Samsung Smart TV. If your favorite device isn’t currently supported, let us know at ...